Thursday, 25 February 2016

Question 7

    Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

Question 6

    What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 5

    How did you attract/address your audience?
    For this question i ask people questions about my magazine. The questions i asked were:
     1. By looking at my product can you tell the genre of the magazine?
     2. Does my front cover, contents page and double page spread look conventional?
     3. Do you think that i have represented my audience of gender, age and social class, if so how? 
     4. What on my front cover, contents page and double page spread appeals to you the most?
     5. What is a good factor about my magazine?
     6. Would you consider buying my magazine? 
     7. How do you think i could improve my magazine? 

     I chose to do these questions as they allowed me to understand if i have or if i haven't addressed my audience. I did it to see what positive and negative feedback I would get. From this i did represent my audience of females because I used a feminine colour scheme.I also represented age and social class because I have used sophisticated language. I also found that I could improve on some things e.g. my contents page. I could of added more pictures to make it more appealing to my target audience of females. 

     Front Cover

     One way I made my magazine appeal to my audience was adding posters onto my front cover. Teenage girls like to stick posters on their wall of their favorite artist. I also added exciting cover stories that would interest the female audience to read more and find out the 'gossip'. 

     Double Page Spread  

     The image on the front cover will appeal to the audience as it has direct mode of address. It will make the readers feel involved with the artist so they are more likely to like the magazine and buy more in the future. Also social media will appeal to the audience because young teenage girls are likely to use social media websites. They can interact with the artist featured, making them feel involved. 

     Contents Page 

     Using the contents page they can find the story they want to read quick and easy as it is set out with page numbers. 


Question 4

   Who would be the audience for your media product?

Females aged 13-15 years. They mostly like going on social media, shopping and spending time with friends. They will also have favorite artists such as One Direction that they enjoy listening to and reading about. Young females look up to the female artists and inspire to be like them when they grow up.They are also attracted to the male artists, The price of the magazine is cheap and affordable, which means young girls are able to buy the magazine with their pocket money. 

     At the start of the project I decided to choose 'pop' for my media magazine. This would feature many different artists and I feel like there would be a place in the market for my magazine. 
     I am aiming my magazine at an audience aged 13-16. I would also like to appeal to an older audience over 18. However it mainly appeals to a younger audience as the style of my magazine is contemporary, therefore appealing to an audience who want up to date content on their favorite artists. 
     My audience is mainly maid up of females. Aiming it at one gender is easier because then the magazine will have a good readership. My magazine doesn't really appeal to males, therefore they wouldn't pick my magazine up in the shop. 

     My magazine is made to appeal to class D/E audience. This includes people that are still in education and some who are unemployed, this is why I had the price of my magazine fairly reasonable so that it is affordable for everyone. The class of the audience is also reflected on the language that I have used. I have used sophisticated language but not to complicated. 

     For my product I chose a mass audience. A mass audience is a wide audience that is reaching a lot of people. I chose to do the genre of 'pop'. It is one of the most popular genres of music. I chose to mainly aim this product at girls, you can see this from the colours that I have used, the artists that are in it and the free gifts. One way that I aimed to at a female audience was by using a girl on the front to demonstrate a female singer. Younger girls will look up to her and use her as an inspiration.

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 2

     How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 1

             In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?